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List of graves disinterred from Bolton Street Cemetery for the Motorway
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Alphabetical list of interments in areas affected by the motorway project created by Wellington City Council Department of Works and Planning Design Branch
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Alphabetical list of interments in areas affected by the motorway project created by Wellington City Council Department of Works and Planning Design Branch
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Bolton Street Cemetery Contract Disinterment of Human Remains Diary, H Johnson
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Authorisation forms nominating options for disposal of remains from graves in Sydney and Bolton Streets cemetery disturbed by motorway, 1967-1968
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Authorisation forms nominating options for disposal of remains from graves in Sydney and Bolton Streets cemetery disturbed by motorway, 1967-1968
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Diary of Disinterments and list of headstones removed from the graves, P J E Shotter, City Sexton
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Plot list (alphabetical, by name)
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Alphabetical files - by burial and/or descendant name, A-G
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Alphabetical files - by burial and/or descendant name, H-N
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Alphabetical files - by burial and/or descendant name, P-Z
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Notebook from City Engineer's Department containing daily statistics of disinterments, reinterments, cremations, provision of new caskets, ashes carried out, 15 November 1968-August 1969
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Specification for Contract No 2/1003 for disinterment of bodies from graves affected by the motorway extension
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Plot list (by path)
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Authorisation forms nominating options for disposal of remains from graves in Sydney and Bolton Streets cemetery disturbed by motorway, 1967-1968
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Authorisation forms nominating options for disposal of remains from graves in Sydney and Bolton Streets cemetery disturbed by motorway, Circa 1965-Circa 1979
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Report on the Foothills Motorway Proposal