WCC, City Engineer's Department Job Registers
Descriptive Data
Archives Identifier00385Date Range1941-1969DescriptionThis series contains surviving City Engineer's Department job registers. One is a complete listing of all jobs from 1954-69, with occasional sheets back to 1941, and the other two registers are from particular sections of the Department. The registers provide another summary of the work done by the Department over the 1950-60s. Miscellaneous job sheets and the multiple number contract files have not been retained but this job register allows research about the department's operations from another point of access - by type of activity and by street name. Volume 1 is a general register which records job numbers that were, in most cases, allocated in addition to contract numbers. An explanation of a system of permanent job numbers for street and Corporation Yard works begun in April 1956 can be found on CE file 00009:1040:50/1315. It appears this binder was used from at least 1941, and that earlier sheets were removed as the volume filled up. It has two major sections - a numerical list of job numbers and an alphabetical list by street name. The numerical list is sub-divided in 1000, 2000, etc., each set of numbers relating to the type of job, such as Street Works 1000-3000-, Plant Hire (3600-), Vehicle Accidents 4000-, etc. A sheet at the front lists these sub-divisions. These job numbers were used over many years, and occasionally renumbering of topics occurred. Each entry in this section gives the job number, name of the street or site (Corporation Yard), and after No. 3600 (Plant Hire) the entries also include the date entered, a brief description of the work, the department charged, the date commenced and completed. The alphabetical list of streets is tabbed and brief job details recorded by year within each letter of the alphabet, usually with the latest year on top but not always in strict annual order. Occasionally former sheets going back to 1941 have been left in, for example with 'UV' and 'XYZ' sections. Volume 2 covers 1952-1954 and refers to 5/- job or 'order' numbers as they named on some pages of this item. These refer to works and supplies relating to parks and reserves, including war memorials, the Botanic Gardens, playgrounds, sports grounds and buildings, nurseries, beach reserves and the Town Hall grounds and window boxes. The entries consist of Job (or Order) No., Place (street, park name, etc), Repair description, Order date and where sent (Corporation Yeard, etc.), date completed, when sent to C&WA (?), and Remarks. This last column sometimes contains another Job number, a single running number, ?? V.3, 1952-1958, contain references to 6/- job numbers mainly, and relate to water and drainage works and maintenance at Council properties. Sometimes there are other job numbers and works such as building repairs at the Abattoir (10/-), elections (2/-), cemetery (7/-), etc. One whole section refers to 'Office Requisitions', and has its own set of headings, relating to requisition numbers, the department ordering, charges, etc.Quantity (Linear Metres)0.33MediumBound VolumeCollection TypeWellington City Council
Access Information
Restriction StatusOpen
Related Agencies
Controlling or Creating AgencyCity Engineer's DepartmentRelationship Date Range1923-1972
WCC, City Engineer's Department Job Registers. Archives Online, accessed 18/02/2025, https://archivesonline.wcc.govt.nz/nodes/view/1875