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    Arts Bonus Scheme/Funds



    1. The Arts Bonus Scheme

    The fund does exist and has a[...]
    [...]( UPCHURCH K )

    Subject: ARTS BONUS

    TO: KAY


    With regards to your inter-[...]
    [...]( BARRINGTON_R )


    Dont we need an acquisition policy fo[...]
    [...]MAY 25, 1993


    Thank you for your mm dated May 20 1993, re the above.

    Arts features are intended to be provided as part of a development, displayed " in a
    manner that wi[...]is not agreat deal of money in the context of the scheme, but
    wonder whether a " permanent" feature[...]her than a (presumably temporary) exhibit for the Art Gallery.

    Is Scollay's contribution in response to aparticular development?

    Iam not aware of any alternative arts projects at present, and if none come to l[...]
    [...]Kaunihera oPoneke


    ART GALLERY[...]sence).

    1. Willeston House Arts Bonus - Report from GM Culture and[...]✓••
    2. Willeston House Arts Bonus - Report from Director City Gallery,
    [...]ENCL. 1




    This report provides some background information on the previous arts work
    bonus policy, and some initial information about the op[...]e Culture and Recreation Committee reconvened the Arts
    Bonus Subcommittee comprising Councillors Gotlieb ( Cha[...]and Recreation and the
    Director of the City Art Gallery, to evaluate any options for the remaining sum of
    $38,000 within the Arts Bonus scheme.

    The best available statement on the policy by which the arts work bonus is
    applied is attached ( Febraury 1990). See particularly paragraphs ( 2) and ( 3).
    Paragraph[...](a) That the first meeting of the 1993 Arts Bonus Subcommittee on 20th
    August 1[...]sion.

    (b) That no new briefs for artwork be required from artists, and that the
    committee evaluate from existing art possibilities for which exploratory[...]That the proposals to be presented to the Arts Bonus Committee include
    the Ralph Hotere artwork which would be placed within the City Art
    Gallery, the Neil Dawson artwork proposed for the foyer of the atrium[...]
    [...]from the Botanic Garden
    site which was part of the artists' original brief. It is also suggested that[...]ommittee on each option, that the Director of the Art Gallery and any
    other professional art advisors on staff be able to provide a rep[...]

    1. In return for providing an art work, a developer is
    permitted to incre[...]lding construction spent on
    the work of art.

    2. The art feature may be in the form of a sculpture, mural,[...]completion.

    In all cases where a bonus has been granted, the subject
    work must be included as part of the contract

    The Council is of the view the art work must be in a public
    place - not, for example, in a foyer - nor must it form
    part of the decoration or architecture of the buiTding•

    4. The Council has established an Art Bonus Sub- Committee to
    report through the To[...](a) After Council's approval to grant an Art Bonus, the
    Developer appoints an Art Consultant following
    discussion w[...]City
    Planner and Director of City Art Gallery. ( Art
    Consultant's fees deductible from sum for art work).

    (b) Consultant prepares concept brief for Art Work which
    is approved by Director.

    (c) Concept brief approved by Art Bonus Sub- Committee and
    location by To[...]riate.

    (d) Proposals be presented to Art Bonus Sub- Committee for

    (e) Following selection, Art Consultant ensures work is
    include reference to City's Art Bonus Scheme.

    (g) Following erection of work the Art Bonus Sub- Committee
    will meet to review ownership, maintenance etc. of art

    February 1990



    This report provides background information on the Willeston Towers Arts
    Bonus and sets out recommendations to allow artwork to be commissioned
    with the $ 38,000 bal[...]ulture & Recreation regarding the Willeston House Arts Bonus.

    (b) That the Committee reconvene the Arts Bonus Subcommittee
    including Mr Chris Sco[...]ons put forward for the $ 38,000 Willeston Towers Arts


    In 1983 the Wellington City Council established the Arts Bonus Scheme,
    offering plot ratio incentives to developers in return for commissioning
    works by artists on or adjacent to the building site.

    In[...]he residential
    space on the building with an Arts Bonus of $ 285,280. This enabled them
    to convert t[...]justify a total expenditure of $ 295,280 for artwork development. The Arts
    Bonus was divided into two parts. A sum of up to $ 50,000 was allocated
    for an artwork on the western wall of the building. The bala[...]riteria for the commission of
    a major public artwork in the inner city.

    Chief Exe[...]
    For the site- specific artwork at Willeston Street, six Wellington artists were
    invited to submit concept proposals. The fee paid for each artist's proposal
    was $ 500.00.

    Mainzeal rejected all artist proposals for Willeston Towers, based[...]ay, Scollay Holdings Ltd. He rejected
    all six artists proposals on the grounds they imposed on the[...]significant,
    publicly visible and accessible artwork be commissioned for the new
    Wellington Ci[...]o research and
    submit a proposal for a public artwork for approval by the Arts Bonus
    Subcommittee and Mr Chris Scollay.

    The major part of the Willeston Towers Arts Bonus was subsequently
    allocated by Mainzeal to Te Aro Park in 1991. The balance of the Scollay
    Arts Bonus for the Civic Square is $ 38,000.

    $38,000 is[...]and graffiti. Ongoing
    maintenance for the artwork would also need to be addressed. This
    severely limits the options for a public artwork and makes it exceedingly
    difficult if not[...]terms of money available.


    The Arts Bonus Subcommittee needs to be reconvened and several
    proposals for an artwork in the Civic Square presented by the D[...]
    [...]MAY 1993


    Iregret that Ihad to oppose the Ralph Hotere Arts Bonus proposal, but it arose because
    I felt that Councillors were being handed a fait accompli. As Iunderstand the Arts
    Bonus Scheme, Councillors do have the ability to exerci[...]Paula saying what the policy for distributing the Arts bonus
    is. Ihave not had the benefit of being involved before so Idon't know the policy.

    As the Art work is to be located in Civic Square, Ithink we[...]e library, Capital Discovery Place as well as the Art Gallery could
    wish to have input.

    As a large num[...]he square, we may want to consider an interactive
    Art work.

    Could you please put forward apaper on the Arts Bonus Scheme, setting out the policy
    and aprocess for c[...]groups
    - Policy on different visual and other art forms.

    Thirdly, could you please advise m[...]

    The particular objectives of the Division are:-[...]stitutions

    promotion and suPDort of the arts:

    through the encouragement[...]lence

    through the encouragement of participation in the
    arts by all people

    through cultivation of an audience for the arts

    suDDort of life-long learninq[...].

    Provision of first-class venues for the arts,
    entertainment, sport and social activities.


    To stimulate interest in[...]ecreation by the provision of
    facilities for participants and spectators and by the running of[...]romote and manage the Civic Centre buildings, in particular
    the Michael Fowler Centre and Town Hall[...]romote public interest in the graphic and plastic arts
    through the provision of a continuous[...]ional activities, and by the encouragement of
    art in buildings and public places

    To encourage popular participation in the arts through a system
    of supporting and in[...]ucation, training, recreation,
    the pursuit of artistic and cultural endeavours, and the conduct
    of business or employment, and to participate effectively in a
    democratic soc[...]


    Prepared by John Leuthart, former Director, Wellington City Art Gallery, currently Manager,
    Visual Arts Programmes QEII Arts Council of New Zealand.

    PROJECT COMMISSIONER: Wellington City Council, through its Arts Bonus Committee

    PARTNERS: National Mutual and Mainzeal Development

    PROJECT MANAGEMENT: WCC Department of Parks & Recreation

    ARTIST: Shona Rapira Davies with Kura Rewi Thorsen an[...]Pryor, Sue Smith, Charles Gordon

    1. The Arts Bonus Scheme of the Wellington City Council was established in 1993 and
    first implemented in 1985. The scheme attracted developers to ' trade' the provision of
    artworks for additional floor space within new buildings in the city. Council viewed
    the scheme as providing incentives for building developers to commission ' major'
    works by artists in public places and which would enhance and[...]citizens and visitors to it. It was expected that art works would be clearly visible
    for passing public and users of buildings. The sum of each bonus was costed by
    Council's town planning staff for approval by the Arts Bonus Committee and
    followed by a lengthy p[...]Parks & Recreation and the Director City Art Gallery it was agreed that a desirable
    and appropriate site for a significant accumulation of arts bonus funds, and the
    development of major art works in the city, was the proposed re developmen[...]suggested that funds accumulated from an unspent Art Bonus could be added
    to Council's funds for[...]The commissioning of one major art work for installation on the park,

    c) A collaborative design project involving visual artists working with artists and
    landscape architects and[...]Option 3 was recommended and agreed to by the Art Bonus Committee. Due to thA,
    large s[...]
    [...]was negotiated between the Council's lawyers and artist's
    representatives. It took over[...]gotiations to to ensure that
    both parties could agree on areas of costs, timing and resp[...]lties.

    15. Throughout the project the artist and Council staff have often spoken of ' the
    impossible marriage' between artist and architect, artist and Council, artist and artists,
    issues of power and ownership[...]tive outcomes of the project.

    16. The artist has certainly challenged conditioned acceptanc[...]eria defining
    public parks and in particular, notions of neatness, orderliness and confo[...]raised and challenged the complexities of art in public places and in particular issues
    associated with owner[...]which was built on the notions of
    partnership and aprocess of collaboration is intended[...]for some years to come.

    John Leuthart


    0 develop recommendations including, artists, for the Councils consideration,
    o[...]4. The consultant recommended four New Zealand artists whose background and work
    were considered to be appropriate.

    Artists; Matt Pine, Shona Rapira Davies, Fred Graham[...]association with a group of contemporary Maori artists) were approved by the Art
    Bonus Committee to develop concept proposals in associa[...]s
    landscape architect.

    5. The brief for artists specified the history, nature and function of the site and in
    particular the Council's interest in redeveloping the[...]nsultant, in conjunction with the Wellington City Art Gallery Director
    recommended that the artist's submissions for the site be placed on public[...]dginng the church memorial on site),
    Visual arts profession and Wellington City Council.[...]were included in an exhibition staged in the city art gallery during 1988
    and titled PUBLIC ART/BONUS art, an exhibition which sought to inform and raise[...]history and controversy surrounding the Council's scheme and
    its future in Wellington. The exhibition also sought to place the Arts Bonus scheme
    and recent commissions within acontext of t[...]comparison with
    other proposals.

    The artist was previously known to Council and Wellington[...]ped for presentation in
    the Wellington City Art Gallery during 1998. The project attracted in exc[...]60% were Maori. The work is owned by the National Art
    Gallery and is proposed for presentation internationally during 1992.

    8. The artists proposal for Te Aro Park suggested a return t[...]cil's landscape architect.

    10. The Council and artist elected to discontinue the role and pos[...]


    Gilberthorpe, Ms P Savage [City Art Gallery], Messrs P
    Saxton [ Deputy C[...][National Film Unit], Messrs
    A Martin and P Vegar [ Representing Mainzeal].

    APOLOG[...]r Driver, and Ms J Harper.


    Mr Nanson circulated copies of his letter da[...]ion. He further explained that the park is
    partially completed. What was now being proposed wa[...]ed an overrun in costs of almost 100% for
    the artwork component which is why the additional funding is
    being sought from Mainzeal through the Arts Bonus Scheme.
    the original price of @ $ 500,000 was to be I/2 each Arts
    Bonus ( National Mutual) and Council ( forming the park[...]s this to be a one-off situation
    and a unique artwork.

    Mr Martin's first reaction was that the location w[...]
    [...]Ms Cameron outlined her involvement with the artist and the
    film she is helping produce for the QEII Arts Council, of
    which this project is a major part. She commented on the
    historical significanc[...]n of the original
    design was to integrate the artwork with the park.

    Ms Cameron would like to[...]it is
    (rushes) on a big screen.

    Mr Martin responded that if they could overcome their[...]I or 2 years
    down the track the tiles could start to break up or fall
    off. Laying of tiles is[...]Mr Nanson undertook to provide details to Mr Martin of the
    specifications proposed along with d[...]been carried out on the handmade tiles. The
    Artist has in her contract a requirement to make[...]ar ( Before the International
    Festival of the Arts) at the latest.

    Mr Martin undertook to get back to the Council within[...]les.

    Mr Gordon will be available to walk Mr Martin and other
    Mainzeal representatives around t[...]ny
    other information they want.

    (Messrs Martin and Vegar left at this point 3:50 p.m.)[...]r the Te Aro Park
    Project be presented to the Arts Bonus Subcommittee."

    The meeting conclude[...]
    City Solicitors Office
    Wel[...]KS DEPT,
    Dear Sir

    [...]Quantity Unit Cost



    BACK[...]1983 the Wellington City Council established the Arts Bonus Scheme, offering plot ratio
    incentives to developers in return for commissioning works by artists on or adjacent to the
    building site.[...]he residential space on the building with an
    Arts Bonus of $ 285,280. This enabled them to convert the re[...]justify a total expenditure of
    $295,280 for artwork development. The Arts Bonus was divided into two parts. A sum of
    up to $ 50,000 was allocated for an artwork on the western wall of the building. The[...]riteria for the commission of a major public
    artwork in the inner city.

    For the site- specific artwork at Willeston Street, six Wellington artists were invited to submit
    concept proposals. The fee paid for each artist's proposal was S500.00.

    Mainzeal rejected alt artist proposals for Willeston Towers, based upon per[...]collay, Scollay Holdings Ltd. He rejected all six artists
    proposals on the grounds they imposed on[...]ally significant, publicly visible and accessible artwork be commissioned
    I1 for the new Wellington C[...]research and submit a proposal
    for a public artwork for approval by the Arts Bonus Subcommittee and Mr Chris Scollay.

    The major part of the Willeston Towers Arts Bonus was subsequently allocated by Mainzeal
    to Te Aro Park in 1991. The balance of the Scollay Arts Bonus for the Civic Square is

    $38[...]ndalism and graffiti. Ongoing maintenance for the artwork would also
    need to be addressed. This severely limits the options fora public artwork and makes it
    exceedingly difficul[...]
    To realise the proposal for an artwork by Ralph Hotere and Bill Culbert additional f[...]d be required. Preliminary talks with the -Visual Arts Manager, QEII Arts Council of New
    Zealand indicates strong i[...]r an application for
    $20,000 to the Commissioning Scheme, Visual Arts Programme, QEII Arts Council is 24
    September 1993.



    A Collaborative Public Artwork by Raloh Hotere and Bill Culbert

    The prime[...]iven the Civic Square with a dramatic and
    dynamic artwork for all users in the area. —

    The site- specific artwork utilises the upstairs and downstairs windows[...]rguably New Zealand's most significant practising artist. His career spans
    forty years and has include[...]en a vital influence on two generations
    of young artists.

    Bill Culbert is an expatriate New Zealan[...]light and neon tubes.

    Two large collaborative artworks by Hotere and Culbert were key works[...]
    exhibition Headlands at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney and Museum of New
    Zealand in Wellington.

    It is proposed to find the Budget for the artwork as follows:

    WCC/Scollay Arts Bonus 38,000
    QEII Arts Council
    (Commissioning Scheme, Visual Arts Programme) 20[...]
    [...]is associated with the Botanic Gardens is a
    bonus to the wider concept of the site.[...]
    4. Patina
    5. Packing and Cartage f90
    6. Erec[...]•o
    7. Engineer's fee.
    8. Artist's fee (including air fare[...].2
    Art Works Foundry Frank Wats[...]
    [...]-Galvinising. (welded units and foundation parts.) $ 4000-00[...]concrete plinth at ground level.) Decra Arts Ltd. ChCh. $ 750. 00

    6.[...]. $18000. 00

    7. Artists Professional Fee.[...]

    TO: ARTS BONUS SUB COMMITTEE[...]le as aresult of the Willeston
    Towers Arts Bonus.


    In initial[...]contribute suggestions of possible uses of the Arts Bonus funding, without
    recourse to the policy document governing the acceptability of an Artwork. I
    put forward the followi[...]
    [...]onceived to be
    sites for possible artwork commissions were the Foyer of the new Library[...]t.

    Ican advise the committee that as part of the original Civic Centre proposal --? ►• •("
    Kara Puketapu and artists Neil Dawson and Para Matchitt assisted in discussions
    on an integrated artwork brief for the overall project, the locations for yll•
    artworks identified in this report reflect those earl[...]L-, : 4-vl•, S•, 2 r
    Arts Bonus Policy[...]The following Clause is extracted from the Arts Bonus Policy Document.

    The Council is of the view the artwork must be in apublic place - not, for
    h Q, example, in afoyer - nor must it form part of the decoration or architecture of
    the[...]tre project has funding of up to $ 100,000 for an artwork or works
    identified within its budge[...]ss

    Consistent with earlier briefings on artworks within the centre and the request
    t[...]from consideration by the wording in the Artwork Bonus document.

    MANAGER[...]TE: 13 AUGUST 1993


    The Arts Bonus Sub Committee set up at the last meeting of the C[...]is to meet on Friday 20 August at 10.00 am in the Art Gallery.

    It is likely that the Committee wil[...]could be larger than the money available from the Arts
    Bonus Sub Committee if other known sources of funding a[...]ght,acopy of the criteria
    and policy that the Arts Bonus money must be awarded to.

    [...]File Reference:


    FROM: GENERA[...]993



    This report provides some background information on the previous arts work
    bonus policy, and some initial information about the op[...]e Culture and Recreation Committee reconvened the Arts
    Bonus Subcommittee comprising Councillors Gotlieb ( Cha[...]ture and Recreation and the
    Director of the City Art Gallery, to evaluate any options for the remaining sum of
    $38,000 within the .arts Bonus scheme.

    The best available statement on the policy by which the arts work bonus is
    applied is attached ( Febraury 1990). See particularly paragraphs ( 2) and ( 3).
    Paragraph ( 5)[...](a) That the first meeting of the 1993 Arts Bonus Subcommittee on 20th
    August 1993[...]decision.

    (b) That no new briefs for artwork be required from artists, and that the
    committee evaluate from existing art possibilities for which exploratory[...]That the proposals to be presented to the Arts Bonus Committee include
    the Ralph Hotere artwork which would be placed within the City Art
    Gallery, the Neil Dawson artwork proposed for the foyer of the atrium[...]
    [...]m the Botanic Garden
    site which was part of the artists' original brief. It is also suggested that[...]ommittee on each option, that the Director of the Art Gallery and any
    other professional art advisors on staff be able to provide a rep[...]

    1. In return for providing an art work, a developer is
    permitted to increase[...]building construction spent on
    the work of art.

    2. The art feature may be in the form of a sculpture, mural,[...]ory

    In all cases where a bonus has been granted, the subject
    work must be included as part of the contract

    3. The Council is of the view the art work must be in a public
    place - not, for example, in a foyer - nor must it form
    part of the decoration or architecture of the building.

    4. The Council has established an Art Bonus Sub- Committee to
    report through the Town Pl[...](a) After Council's approval to grant an Art Bonus, the
    Developer appoints an Art Consultant following
    discussion with[...]on, City
    Planner and Director of City Art Gallery. ( Art
    Consultant's fees deductible from sum for art work).

    (b) Consultant prepares concept brief for Art work which
    is approved by Director.

    (c) Concept brief approved by Art Bonus Sub- Committee and
    location by Town P[...]propriate.

    (d) Proposals be presented to Art Bonus Sub- Committee for

    (e) Following selection, Art Consultant ensures work is
    commission[...]ch should
    include reference to City's Art Bonus Scheme.

    (g) Following erection of work the Art Bonus Sub- Committee
    will meet to review ownership, maintenance etc. of art

    February 1990
    [...]Department of Administration


    ART BONUS SCHEME: ( 68/1)

    (a) That as recomme[...]ish a Special Fund to be known as
    the•^Arts Bonus Fund".

    (b) That contribution to the Arts Bonus Fund
    be made from surplus monies arising from
    arts work bonuses, to a maximum of
    $20,000 for any one c[...]sted 1988 dollars).

    C) That monies in, the Arts Bonus Fund; b —.[...]Planner for
    minor works associated with art work in
    the City which are clearl[...]
    loading google map....