Archives Identifier00765Date Range1930s-1990sDescriptionThis register was created in 1931 as a means to better manage information relating to streets in the City. While returns for the Government Statistician were carried out the City Engineer, concerned about the quality and accuracy of records, recommended a comprehensive survey be undertaken to compile a Civic Survey as to widths of streets. The Survey was to be retained as a register, which could then be kept up to date. The exact date the register was started is not known, but in July 1931 a sample sheet was providing showing the proposed layout.
The register is alphabetical by street name, and records the following details. Note the level of information provided for any one street varies. It also appears that not all the columns were used as intended, as some are blank, and others have differing information recorded.
The columns are headed:
- Name of Street
- Legal width
- Length in Chains
- Formation Type and Widths (either Carrriageway or Paths)
- General information
The four columns to record street widths are very inconsistently populated, and often instead contain a reference to the 1:500 scale footprint map they appear on (Series 00065). The general information can contain location information (for example suburb or connecting roads or streets), if it is a private right of way, previous street names, and references to Empowering Acts or the date the Council control of the Street, and references to correspondence files (mainly Series 00001, 00009 or 00033). Note that it does not provide reasons for street naming.
As with the creation date, the last date the register was updated is not known, but scanning entries have found updates up to 1994.Quantity (Linear Metres)0.25MediumVolumeSystem of ArrangementSingle volume, alphabetical by street nameCollection TypeWellington City Council