Archives Identifier00095Date Range1914-1920DescriptionThese two valuation rolls are those copies prepared by the Valuation Department under the Valuation of Land Act 1908 and Amendments thereunder, for the Miramar Borough valution area (No. 3/66) for the period commencing 1st April 1914 to 1st April 1919. Annotatioins on the title page (and cover) and through the volumes show that they were added to and corrected beginning in 1914 and through the years up to 1920. The volumes are made up of copies of the standard Valuation Department roll forms, with annotations made by the local Borough Council. The earliest date found is the Valuer General's summary. stamped and dated 31 March 1914. The second volume ends with a pasted summary form and the stamp of the Valuer General, 9 July 1920. The valuation form elements include: number on local roll, details of the occupier and owner (name, occupation, address), the valuation number, the property description and area, and the value (capital and unimproved). This is sometimes followed by a date. The occupation is rarely filled in; more often the qualification as a spouse (wife or husband) is noted. The title pages indicate that the first volume covers Nos 1-1009 and v. 2, Nos. 1010-1822, but handwritten entries from numbers 1823 to 2065 have been added at the end of v. 2.. It is not known whether these additions were written by the Valuation Dept. or the Borough. The alphabetical name index in V. 1 refers to valuation numbers and appears to have been made up later, possibly about 1920. Some name entries begin with valuation number for the V. 2 added entries.Quantity (Linear Metres)0.5MediumBound VolumeSystem of ArrangementChronological by valuation period; internally by valuation roll number, not local roll number. Alphabetical name index at the front of v. 1.Collection TypeWellington City Council