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Boat Harbour Wellington NZ, No. 391

Kia ora, welcome to Wellington City Archives, Te Kano Kohinga Kupu o Pōneke.

Wellington City Archives is the business archive of the Wellington City Council. Our collections date from the 1840s to the present day.


Wellington City Archives acknowledges the mana and tangata whenua of this region/rohe and the connection they have to this whenua/land.


Featured Content / Whakaaturanga Ihirangi


Image Lucky Dip / Tou Waimarie Whakaahua

b. Hall of memoriesh. No 21 Mitchell StSir Richard Hull, Commander in Charge, Far East Land Forcesar. Traffic Dept Cycle Rally - Miramar Schoolb. Slip, Hanson St Flatss. Karori Reservoir, Bypass Overflowa. Kilbirnie Tram/Bus Barns, No. 1 and No. 2Queens Wharf on Anniversary DayNissan Mobil 500Summer CityKarori Cemeteryo. HM the Queen Mother Receptionc. Melrose TipSankaijuku, Eternal Voyagee. Pedestrian subway, Lambton Quay to Railway Stationd. Wellington South Post OfficeMobil Street RaceStill-Life in the Age of Rembrandtc. Crusher plant, Ngauranga Quarryb. Floating dock, Aotea QuayCivic Centre ReconstructionWellington Central Public Library: back lawn 1950'sSummer Citya. Copies of PlansCivic Centre ReconstructionVincents Annual Group ExhibitionCopy: Abortion, Apartheid, Unions, Nuclear (posters, handouts, protests)Summer CityCivic Centre - Reconstructiona. Crane in Corporation YardFirst bend. Photograph of new asphaltic concrete surface, Ngauranga Gorge, March 1926Wellington from the Post Office Towerb. Job 9179Civic Centre Reconstructionk. Queen Elizabeth ParkWellington East Girls College swimming pool, children playinga. Frank BlackSpecific sites around city and Denis O'Connor's workKilbirnie Reclamation, Fairgrounda. No 11 Evelyn Placeb. Car Parking Building The TerraceWellington Public Library: Lending Roomas. Safety Week, Traffic DeptJohnsonville Railway Station, view looking southf. View from steps of Parliament HouseWellington City Transport, Scenic Bus Tours brochureSummer City - Anderson ParkCemeteries - MakaraOlaf Ripa-Swedish Consula. No 8 McKinley Crescent

Archives Newsletter / Kawerongo Rorohiko

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