Kia ora, welcome to Wellington City Archives, Te Kano Kohinga Kupu o Pōneke.
Wellington City Archives is the business archive of the Wellington City Council. Our collections date from the 1840s to the present day.
Wellington City Archives acknowledges the mana and tangata whenua of this region/rohe and the connection they have to this whenua/land. |
Browse by Subject / Tirotiro-a-Kaupapa
ANZ Tower Abattoir BNZ Centre Basin Reserve Bolton Street Cemetery Botanic Gardens Bus Shelter Capital on the Quay Carter Observatory Centennial Exhibition Civic Awards Civic Square F G Barker Frank Kitts Park Freyberg Pool Interceptor Johnsonville Mall Karori Cemetery Keith Spry Pool Majestic Centre Makara Cemetery Mark Blumsky Massey University Michael Fowler Centre Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa Neil Price Nissan Mobil 500 Reserve Bank Scots College State Insurance Tower Stephen Rainbow Street Race Substation Summer City TS Taroona (Ship) Town Belt Town Hall Tramways Victoria University Victoria University of Wellington Wellington Botanic Garden Wellington Central Library Wellington High School Wellington Hospital Wellington International Airport Wellington Railway Station Wellington Regional Aquatic Centre Wellington Town Hall Wellington Urban Motorway Wellington Zoo
Archives Newsletter / Kawerongo Rorohiko
Our quarterly Archives Newsletter allows us to share some of the coolest archives we've found, articles about the history of Wellington, and a little bit of behind the scenes from our archivists! Click here to subscribe
Social Media / Pae Pāpāho Pāpori
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