WCC, City Engineer's Department's Contract accounts books, no. 3-16
Descriptive Data
Archives Identifier00384Date RangeJune 1911-DescriptionThis series has fourteen surviving items; volumes 1-2 have not been located. It ends when computer systems were introduced. They are indexed by name of contractor The bound volumes have pages with a printed header form with details of -- Contract for (e.g. laying sewer at Buckley Road), Name of contractors, Amount of Contract, Contingencies, Deposit, Contract No., Charge to (e.g. Housing Loan 1956). The Job No. is often added after this. The entries include the date, the City Engineer file number (not always entered), the F. S. (Financial system) number, Progress payment (P. P.) or Final payment details and amounts, Amount (in currency) of contract completed so far, Amount deducted, and Amount paid. The balance due to date column is used for the payment date. Entries are often spread over a range of dates and pages relating to several progress payments. The date of completion is usually given and in the early volumes the entries finishes with a stamp: 'Town Clerk notified of completion of contact'. The entries cover the whole range of operations and contracts done by the Engineer's/ Works Department, except inhouse work done by the Engineering Shop during this period. The volumes provide a summary of the varied work carried out by the department, which can be accessed by (approximate) date or by the name of contractor. In conjunction with the contract and job registers (Series 00381, 00383, 00385) these accounting books can be used as a research tool. These accounts books provide basic information on Works Contract of lesser long term significance (e.g. rubbish disposal, weed control, car cleaning, etc.), files of which have not been retained. General information on these topics is also available on Town Clerk's and City Engineer's files (00001 and 00009). Indexes: Most volumes have an alphabetical index by name of contractor at the front NOTE: v. 13, entries 1974/5 - 1975/76 not indexed.Quantity (Linear Metres)2.5MediumBound VolumeSystem of ArrangementRoughly chronological, but many pages have multiple entries which can be carried forward over varying dates. Indexes at front.Collection TypeWellington City Council
Access Information
Restriction StatusOpen
Related Agencies
Controlling or Creating AgencyCity Engineer's DepartmentRelationship Date Range1923-1972
WCC, City Engineer's Department's Contract accounts books, no. 3-16. Archives Online, accessed 18/02/2025, https://archivesonline.wcc.govt.nz/nodes/view/1874