WCC, City Engineer's Department, Drainage air compressing station logs
Descriptive Data
Archives Identifier00420Date Range1898-1947DescriptionThis series consists of two volumes of drainage air compressing station logs. The earliest, covering 1898-1899, and the latest in existence, covering 1946-1947, have been retained as samples. The full date range of the series is not known. Up to about 1960, pneumatic ejectors, or air-compressing stations, operated the flow through the sewage/ drainage system. In the early years the system was powered by rubbish and coal-burning boilers (the 'Refuse Destructor') and later by electric motors. The compressed air system was gradually replaced with electrically-driven centrifugal pumping stations. The daily log sheets record details about the compressed air pumped from the main drainage pumping station at the Council's Clyde Quay workshop area to other ejector stations throughout the city. They record also the name of the engineer(s) on watch, and have notes about the weather including changes through the day. There was also a substation at Miramar and the second volume records its data as well. Plans of the equipment can be found in Series 00237 and photographs of operations. For notes about the ejectors and their equipment and operations see Series 00422.Quantity (Linear Metres)0.25MediumBound VolumeSystem of ArrangementChronological by dayCollection TypeWellington City Council
WCC, City Engineer's Department, Drainage air compressing station logs. Archives Online, accessed 18/02/2025, https://archivesonline.wcc.govt.nz/nodes/view/1910