Record Identifier4Record PartVolume 4Date Range1908-1912Descriptionnumbering starts from 1 to 35, photograph created at different places; New Plymouth, Wellington, Porirua.
Photo 35, Old Barracks, Paremata Porirua
Photi 34 Anne Crompton Smith, 3rd birthday, 1912
Photo 27-29, seems like family photographs, includes children
Photo 22, A Chinese residence, New Plymouth, 1908
Photo 15, titled Dec 1906, looks like Khandallah railway track?
Photo 1, C P Powles, Christmas 1906
Photo 2-8, 12 Wesley Road, Christmas 1905-1906 (includes photograph of house, and family members).
Album size: slightly larger than A4 size, brown cover album.MediumPhotograph album
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