Record Identifier10Record PartVolume 10Date Range1913-1915DescriptionNumbering start with 1-9
Photo 1, Hector S Smith, October 1914 [Photograph of Hector dressed in traditional Asian dress
Photo 2, Easter 1913, Photograph of a group of family members including three adult male, four children, three female seated in chair
Photo 3, June 1914 [Photograph of a children staring at toys placed on the table]
Photo 4-5, March 1915 [Photograph of a children staring at toys placed on the table]
Phot 6-7A, July 1914, Photograph of kids.
Album size: slightly larger than A5.MediumPhotograph album
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Copyright AttributionOnslow Historical SocietyCopyright LicenseContact copyright holderCitationWellington City Council Archives, OS013-10