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- Heritage Buildings Roll E
- Bolton Street Memo...
- Bolton Street Memo...
- Carillon and Museu...
- Gravestones, Mount...
- Gravestone, Mount ...
- Gravestones, Mount...
- 90 Salamanca Road
- Rocks, South Coast...
- Rocks, South Coast...
- Rocks, South Coast...
- Ōwhiro Bay
- Ōwhiro Bay
- Dominion Observatory
- Dominion Observatory
- Botanic Gardens
- 2 Glen Road
- Cable Car, Univers...
- Hunter Building, V...
- Carillon
- 4 Goldies Brae
- 4 Goldies Brae
- Thistle Inn
- Wellington Hotel
- Parliament Buildin...
- Richard John Seddo...
- Parliament Buildin...
- Sextons Cottage, B...
- 194A Sydney Street
- Bishopcourt, 32 Mu...
- Cathedral of the S...
- Cathedral of the S...
- Cenotaph
- Turnbull House
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Heritage Buildings Roll E. Archives Online, accessed 16/09/2024,