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- WHB Photo Album 1, 1870-...
- Wellington Harbour...
- Raising Union Comp...
- "Maheno", Otago Ro...
- Main body of Queen...
- Queens Wharf and "...
- Overseas vessel di...
- Glasgow Wharf and ...
- Overseas vessel lo...
- U Store, wool seas...
- Wellington Harbour...
- Thorndon and Lambt...
- Dredge reclaiming ...
- Dredge "Whakarire"
- Miramar Wharf
- Harbours Associati...
- Harbours Associati...
- Graving Dock, unde...
- Temporary staging ...
- Temporary staging ...
- Wellington wharves...
- "Powerful", Austra...
- Queens Wharf and l...
- J Wool Store inter...
- H G Claridge, acti...
- Lambton Harbour, t...
- "Hinemoa"
- Pātaka and waka
- Sea breaking on rocks
- "Tahiti", "Hulks",...
- Pipitea Point, wre...
- Ships at Wool Wharf
- "Tower Hill", "Bri...
- Yachting, Wellingt...
- Pipitea Point and ...
- Wellington buildin...
- Queens Wharf
- Lambton Harbour an...
- Views of Wellington
- Panoramas of Welli...
- Opening of Graving...
- "Waitemata" swingi...
- "Waitemata" and Op...
- Westport, 1907
- Members of Welling...
- Wharfs, taken from...
- Pencarrow Head Lig...
- Railway Wharf cran...
- 2 ton Railway Whar...
- SS "Survey" leavin...
- SS "Survey" leavin...
- Harbours Associati...
- Arrival of Lord Pl...
- Sydney Harbour Tru...
- Queens Wharf, Augu...
- Harbour Board Offices
- Glasgow Wharf cranes
- Glasgow Wharf cran...
- Queens Wharf entra...
- Queens Wharf and J...
- Queens Wharf, Augu...
- Forty-ton Crane, J...
- Queens Wharf
- GPO, August 1903
- GPO, Queens Wharf ...
- Glasgow Wharf and ...
- Trial of WHB Steam...
- Address presented ...
- Trial of WHB Steam...
- Hydraulic Pumping ...
- Jigger Arrangement...
- Queens Wharf and D...
- Port of Lyttleton,...
- Arrival of TRH The...
- Arrival of TRH The...
- Arrival of TRH The...
- Arrival of TRH The...
- Queens Wharf, 1898
- Railway Wharf and ...
- Arrival of Governo...
- Views of Queen Wharf
- Jervois Quay, Boat...
- Wool Press, K Shed
- Wool Press, K Shed
- "Waiwera" and GPO
- On board the "Waiw...
- Jervois Quay and W...
- Jervois Quay, Well...
- 2nd Contingent cam...
- 2nd Contingent cam...
- Shipping horses fo...
- Departure of First...
- Departure of First...
- Departure of First...
- Departure of First...
- Departure of First...
- Arrival of Rt. Hon...
- Arrival of Rt. Hon...
- Arrival of Rt. Hon...
- Jervois Quay gates...
- Jervois Quay c.1900
- Pumping engine, mu...
- Brandon Street ent...
- Wharf Office and J...
- Queens Wharf
- Queens Wharf wool ...
- Queens Wharf and J...
- Widening Jervois Q...
- "Duchess" and Te A...
- Wharf Accommodatio...
- Queens Wharf and "...
- Te Aro Breakwater,...
- Clyde Quay and RMS...
- Steam travelling w...
- Crane in operation...
- Crane in operation...
- Wool Gang in J Sto...
- P Store on Queens ...
- Queens Wharf appro...
- Testing Forty-ton ...
- Testing Forty-ton...
- Testing Forty-ton ...
- Forty-ton Crane, J...
- Head Office Build...
- WHB Offices and cr...
- Customhouse Quay a...
- Jervois Quay and l...
- Railway wharf, boi...
- Jervois Quay and w...
- Wool Jetty about c...
- View from GPO and ...
- J Shed and Jervois...
- Railway Wharf and ...
- Jervois Quay and W...
- Cement testing mac...
- Queens Wharf
- Forty-ton Crane, J...
- Jervois Quay, Quee...
- Jervois Quay and W...
- Queen's Wharf and ...
- Queen's Wharf and ...
- Willis Street, Te ...
- Customhouse Quay b...
- Queens Wharf, show...
- Pipitea Point and ...
- Queens Wharf and t...
- Te Aro and Queens ...
- Te Aro Flat and La...
- Te Aro and Thorndo...
- Grey Street and Qu...
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Queens Wharf and loading coal carts. Archives Online, accessed 07/02/2025,