Archives Identifier00720Date Range2010-DescriptionThis is an artificial series of Wellington City Council publications that continues to be added to as new publications are produced.
Publications are protected records under Schedule 15 of the Local Government Schedule. Council teams/units are required to supply copies of their publications for legal deposit (National Library), to City Archives and to the Corporate Library. This is co-ordinated through the Council Librarian at the Corporate Library. Anyone producing a publication sends 6 copies to the Council Librarian who distributes them out.
All Council publications are processed into this series unless they fall into the following categories:
Annual reports (see series 00082)
Draft annual plans and Long-term Council community plans (see series 00569)
Annual plans and Long-term Council community plans (see series 00570)
District plan updates (see series 00308)Quantity (Linear Metres)1.75MediumFileCollection TypeWellington City Council